Minecraft Fan Ideas Wiki

Bees are neutral mobs and animals that inhabit Bee-Hives.



Bees will not attack the Player unless provocated. That being said , if a Bee is attacked , all bees in a radius of 32 Blocks will also become hostile towards the attacker. If the Player attacks a Bee-Hive , all bees that belong to this hive , in a 64 block radius , will become hostile to the attacker.

During the day , Bees will collect honey from flowers. After they have 3 Honey in their inventory , they will return to their hive and will add it to the hive's inventory. With every 5 Honey , the Hive will spawn a new bee , meaning that a single bee can rebuild the civilisation of the hive after all bees were killed but one remained.

At dusk , all bees will retreat to their hive and remain in it until dawn. Homeless Bees will remain outside and will do their Job.


Bees can be used to farm honey. Destroying a bee hive will give the player honeycombs.

Bees can be caught using a Bug-net. Caught Bees will die after 1.5 Minecraft days , if not released.

Caught Bees and honeycombs can be used to craft a Beebox.


  • Bees will transform into wasps during a full moon , if they are still outside of their Hive. They will transform back to normal at dawn.